HTML HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE HTML is used to design the web pages. It was designed by Tim Berner'sLee. The current version is 4.0. ( 1.0 ,2.0,3.0) The extension of the html file is htm or html. In Windows, the source code is typed using notepad and the output can be seen using any browser. ( Example :Internet Explorer.) Chapter 1; Basic Tags of HTML Structure of Html: Any html code begins with the tag and ends with . It contains two sections and . The title of the document is given inside the heading section and other scripting declarations are also are used inside heading sections. The title is placed inside theand tags. The tag contains all other things. Html in combination with scripting languages used to design the web pages. The tags are not case sensitive. Some of the scripting languages are: 1.VBScript 2.Javascript. ( Developed by Netscape) 3.JScript ( Developed by Microsoft) Images in the web pages are designed by the softwares such as: 1.Adobe Photoshop (jpg files) 2.Adobe ImageReady, etc. (gif files).